which is not surprising...
we all know that I am a bit too fundicted (addicted to fun)...
why would I want to report when I could be doing...
I just watched a cam-torrent of Superbad and I have to agree with one of my BFFs Mrs. Danielle Schechter (you're still Miss Danielle Rupinski to me which is not cuz I don't acknowledge your marriage which I fully do... YOU'RE AWESOME MIKE JUST DON'T GO TO MED SCHOOL ... just maybe cuz my mom kept her name and that is rad and you are rad and really I should get on with my bloggig) that SUPERBAD was (with the exception of some of the cop stuff) super GOOD. Seth Rogen - I apologize to you for torrenting your wonderful movie. You are todays John Hughes -- a rad and totally authentic proximity to teen nerd radness... ANYWAY if I don't quite sound like usual myself it's because I just want to be like that movie right now... well it's fading (I just worked it out through some posturing...) The ending somehow reminded me of WEIRD SCIENCE and that is never a bad thing.
but my friend Dylan is making me look bad...
...Dylan and I were in SIM/art-school together and now he's in Germany/Tyskland/Alemania for a while doing some sort of video graphics something or other...
Dylan has a blog and he actually uses it once in a while... he said it is mostly for family so I am not linking to it...
it has pictures of his apartment and stuff like that
and he actually posts to it more than once in a while
last night was lame and cool
today i got some more clothing (f'ing time)
because there was a really damn big flea market at a grade school near here
Steindal Skole
I paid 160NOK (~$25.00) for a trashbag full of clothes... I know this doesn't sound like such a great deal but here it is a great deal and most of the stuff I snagged really seems almost new and the stuff that isn't is still fine... I'd been wearing the hat for a while when the woman told me how much I should pay and forgot to tell her to price it in... I say she told me how much I should pay because apparently they don't haggle. She said 160 and I thought about the numbers and said "Can you do 140?" and she hit my guilt button with "I think 160 is quite cheap for this" and she was right and it was a difference of only about $3.00 I don't know why the numbers seem more important when they are bigger...
never try to use those sideways carat brackets in a blog it's a big headache that confuses tags and you lose a bunch of text here... stupid male modelling movies blah blah. here are way too many pictures of me in all of my new clothing... and some pictures of my room...
and me being boring with captions...
i should say other smart things about the differences between here and there but again i'd rather be doing something else i have been awake until at least 4:00 the past two nights and i was going to relax tonight but my actual norskkurs classmates want me to come to dinner and then there is a housewarming party for some norwegian girls and i am not supposed to pass up opportunities to interact with norwegians
-i nearly burn my skin off at least once a week because the hot water is ridiculously x 10 hot -- you could cook an egg or pasta in it easily.
-i have only seen police in any way like three or four times since arriving here and at least one of those times was when i was at the politi stasjon
-regular size refundable bottles net you 1 kr and 1.5 liter bottles and some other smaller ones will get you 2 kroner and 50 øre (50 øre is the smallest coin - worth about 9 cents) so making a LITTLE money by collecting bottles is not such a herculean task here - it might be balanced out by the cost of living but i think the folks that will bother to collect bottles are also folks who know how to find the cheap stuff... i wanted to say sisyphean cuz i love sisyphus but...
-my toe hurts cuz i ripped too much of the nail off
-i have to teach some people to cook (and shop for cooking)
-by which i mean that i am now a professor of cooking stuff
blah blah blah
clickable thumbnails

the approach to my room.
my mess and the hvit (white) brick walls that make me hate this place

note how the windows are so completely dumbly designed and open out over the desk at a height that could decapitate my computer. i have to sit sort of inside the (swing of the) window to sit at my desk. if it opened flat to the wall that'd be okay - but it hits one of it's own handles at a certain far less than comfortable or convenient point. i could move the desk but only to face a brick wall.
the best solution (short of dismantling the window to get that other handle off so i could open it all the way - maybe i will try that later) turned out to be a shoelace tied to an eye hook...

the ever useful slip knot.

i bought myself this rug which is one of those hard to capture bright colors. and my feet. because i know that some people were worried they'd never see my feet again.

Honey I'm home......... and I'm crazy......... about dancing like Bill Cosby in the opening sequence of the Cosby Show but with a pink scarf.

I got bored...
So I started trying to throw the scarf in synch with the self-timer. It's not really easy with the timing of the indicator on my camera. I had to take a lot of shots to get some in the actual air. I mean... I am performing magic...
I didn't buy any real pants at the flea so I am wearing the bahting suit I bought with pineapple which I now call ananas.

plain black... comfy. classic.
i tried a double..... and apparently got angry.

this shirt is nice I guess but the buttons are clustered strangely in twos which makes it hard to button at the top.
i forgot one green-brown turtleneck sweater because it was drying when i took the pictures. i am put this blog to bed and i am going to put the sweater on now because i am gal og kald.
oh. and clearly i shaved. it was a bad move.